Bioenergetic Analysis
Bioenergetic Analysis is a body-based psychotherapy developed by Alexander Lowen, M.D., which is based on the work of the psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich. Dr. Reich believed that the expression of the personality is based on the way the body forms and moves and that energy can be bound by chronic muscular tension.
Bioenergetic Analysis involves doing physical postures and movements to facilitate the vibratory response, which is grounding, in order to release tension and feel the flow of our own energy. It is a process that takes time, given we have generally lived our lives with some degree of chronic tension, whether we are aware of it or not.
In summary, in order to facilitate the vibratory response (which is the movement of our energy), we ground ourselves, release held emotions (energy), transform our thoughts (also energy), and become more enlivened.
“Bioenergetics is…the study of the human personality in terms of the energetic processes of the body.” Bioenergetics, Dr. Alexander Lowen
“A person is the sum total of his life experiences, each of which is registered in his personality and structured in his body.” Bioenergetics, Dr. Alexander Lowen
“The life of the individual is the life of his body.” Bioenergetics, Dr. Alexander Lowen
“Anything that is ‘matter’ has energy vibrations.” Feelings: Buried alive never die… Karol K. Truman
“…your FEELINGS and your THOUGHTS are energy. Your feelings and your thoughts are matter.” Feelings: Buried alive never die… Karol K. Truman